Thursday 7 February 2013

Terteran at Jasri Village

On the day before the Nyepi’s day, In jasri village was held an unique tradition named flame war (terteran). The terteran starts with offer the caru(animal sacrifice) at the Jasri beach. Hundreds of torches or prakpak danyuh material (leaves dry coconut) were tied and with the fire on, used as weapon. It used to throwing between two groups, also to whose previously do the caru offerings to the ocean is also not spared from the torch attack. This is also means to hold or not allowed the negative energy come follow and entering the village after do offerings / pecaruan on the beach. His philosophy of which contain the practice of self-control. Although exposed to fire as they pelted each other because no one can throw emotion. When terteran(flame wars), it also contains the meaning for each person / people are always vigilant. Although affected by the fire, which rarely until it becomes severe, burns. After the ceremony no one should keep the anger or revenge.